Sisters of Maria Auxiliatrix No.226, M.M.C. Road, Madhavaram Chennai - 600060.


Year of Inception : 1983
History : St. Thomas home was built in the spirit of helping the poor and the abandoned girl children in 1988. As children are gift from God, it is our bounden duty and responsibility to look after children in the spirit of love and provide opportunity for them to grow as integrated person. Right from its inception, it has groomed hundreds of abandoned Girls and supported them to grow as normal children to lead a better life in the society. It has educated them, provided health care, roofed them and protected them from all social evils. Moreover, it has lavishly poured love and concern to heal the past rancor and brought about significant changes towards development. Hundreds of girls who entered the orphanage at the age of four or five are given in marriage and well settled since 1988.At present there are more than 35 girls in the orphanage varying from the age of 4 to 20 years. All are given formal education, health care, recreation facilities, food and shelter. Committed and dedicated sisters who understand the problems of the orphan children are round the clock ensuring filial atmosphere for the children to grow. Values, Prayers, Love to the neighbours, discipline, social and cultural norms are given prime importance. After completion of the studies, children are given vocational and career guidance and training to choose a career according to the aptitude. Thus more than a decade of service with commitment and love to the orphans at St. Thomas home is in full swing.
Activities : Orphanage Primary School Technical Institute Dispensary & Pastoral Ministry
To Contact : St.Thomas orphanage
163,AmmanKovil Street
Kakkanji Nagar
Chennai – 600 039
Phone : 044 – 26722636 - House